Publications - MIT Center for Real Estate


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Title Publish DateAuthorsPublication Type

Global Air Network and Cross-Border Venture Capital Mobility | Habitat International

Dec 11, 2020 Siqi Zheng, Liaoliao Duan, Weizeng Sun Journal Paper

Dockless bike sharing alleviates road congestion by complementing subway travel: Evidence from Beijing | Cities

Dec 01, 2020 Yichun Fan, Siqi Zheng Journal Paper

Household income inequality aggravates high-temperature exposure inequality in urban China | Journal of Environmental Mgmt.

Dec 01, 2020 Hui Deng, Weizeng Sun, Wingshan Yip, SiqiZheng Journal Paper

Air pollution lowers travel demand in a consumer city | Transportation Research…

Dec 01, 2020 Binzhe Wang, Siqi Zheng Journal Paper

Does high-speed railway reduce air pollution along highways? — Evidence from China | Transportation Research

Dec 01, 2020 Xiaoyang Guo, Weizeng Sun, Shuyang Yao, Siqi Zheng Journal Paper

Intrinsic Real Option Value: Empirical Evidence from Commercial Real Estate Investors

Nov 13, 2020 Simon Büchler, Alex Van de Minne, Olivier Schöni MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

The Role of Informal Housing in Lowering China’s Urbanization Costs

Nov 09, 2020 Dongxiao Niu, Weizeng Sun, Siqi Zheng MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

Moving to Productivity: The Benefits of Healthy Buildings

Nov 09, 2020 Juan Palacios, Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

The Financial Impact of Street-Level Greenery on New York Commercial Buildings

Nov 05, 2020 Juncheng Yang, Helena Rong, Yuhao Kang, Fan Zhang, Andrea Chegut MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

Transportation network and venture capital mobility: An analysis of air travel and high-speed rail in China | Journal of Transport Geography

Oct 01, 2020 Liaoliao Duan, Weizeng Sun, Siqi Zheng Journal Paper

Coming from Where We’re From: The Stories and Experiences of African American Students in Predominantly White High Schools

Oct 01, 2020 R. Kelly Cameron, EdD., Renee McCall

The Evolution of the Warehouse: Trends in Technology, Design, Development and Delivery

Oct 01, 2020 James Scott, Steve Weikal

Spatial clustering: Influence of urban street networks on retail sales volumes | Environment & Planning…

Sep 10, 2020 Yuji Yoshimura, Paolo Santi, Juan Murillo Arias, Siqi Zheng, Carlo Ratti Journal Paper

Spatial clustering: Influence of urban street networks on retail sales volumes | Environment and Planning…

Sep 10, 2020 Yuji Yoshimura, Paolo Santi, Juan Murillo Arias, Siqi Zheng, Carlo Ratti Journal Paper

Does Education Really Not Matter for Health? | Social Science and Medicine

Aug 01, 2020 Mariana C Arcaya, Albert Saiz Journal Paper

Travel costs, trade, and market segmentation: Evidence from China’s high-speed railway | Papers in Regional Science

Jun 23, 2020 Dongxiao Niu, Weizeng Sun, Siqi Zheng Journal Paper

A 43-Million-Person Investigation into Weather and Expressed Sentiment in a Changing Climate | One Earth

Jun 19, 2020 Jianghao Wang, Nick Obradovich, Siqi Zheng Journal Paper

Recent Drops in Market Liquidity May Foreshadow Major Drops in US Commercial Real Estate Markets

May 20, 2020 Dorinth van Dijk, Anne Kinsella Thompson, David Geltner MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

Doubts about Density: Covid-19 across Cities and Towns

May 19, 2020 William C. Wheaton, Anne Kinsella Thompson MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

The Geography of COVID-19 Growth in the US: Counties and Metropolitan Areas

Apr 07, 2020 William C. Wheaton, Anne Kinsella Thompson MIT/CRE SSRN Working Paper

Impacts of rail transit access on land and housing values in China: a quantitative synthesis | Transport Reviews

Apr 02, 2020 Wenjie Wu, Siqi Zheng, Bing Wang, Minzhe Du Journal Paper

Is Participatory Democracy Representative? A Survey of Engaged Town Meeting Voters | New England Journal of Political Science

Apr 01, 2020 Lyndsey Rolheiser, Albert Saiz Journal Paper

Bricks, Mortar, and Proptech: The Economics of IT in Brokerage, Space Utilization and Commercial Real Estate Finance | Journal of Property Investment and Finance

Mar 24, 2020 Albert Saiz Journal Paper

Second Mortgages: Valuation and Implications for the Performance of Structured Financial Products | Real Estate Economics

Mar 01, 2020 Ghent, A., Miltersen, K., Torous, W. N. Journal Paper

How does urban agglomeration integration promote entrepreneurship in China? Evidence from regional human capital spillovers and market integration | Cities

Feb 01, 2020 Siqi Zheng, Rui Du Journal Paper
